End of year Trex updates
6/13/24: 32 pounds of plastic picked up on the last day of school! Well done! Be sure to keep your plastic out of the landfill this summer! Either drop it off in the bins near the entrance of Safeway, Albertsons, Fred Meyer or WinCo. OR....save it to bring back to school in September for a headstart on next year's total!
The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too!
6/7/24: Wow! Lots more plastic again this week! 50 pounds!
Clean, dry stretchy plastic will be picked up at the school through June 14th. Please continue to recycle your plastic bags this summer. There are two ways you can do that. Your plastic bags can be taken to the local Safeway, Albertsons, Fred Meyer or WinCo stores. There are dropoff bins near their front doors.
OR...if you have space to store your plastic over the summer, you can bring it in to the school in the fall so it can count for next year's total.
The Green Team thanks you and our planet thanks you too!
5/31/24: With 32 pounds of plastic brought in the past two weeks we have 112 pounds of plastic for the month of May! Well done!
The Green Team thanks you and our planet thanks you too!