TREX plastic recycling updates
December 16 ~ A total of 119 pounds of plastic have been collected in December. Well done! Be sure to save your clean, dry, stretchy plastic during your winter break, and bring it to school in January of 2023. If 115 pounds of plastic are donated, we will reach 1000 pounds by the end of January! That sounds very impressive! Keep on bring your plastic to school and keeping the plastic out of the landfills! The Green Team thanks you and our planet thanks you too!
Here is the December 9, 2022 Trex Challenge Plastic Recycling Update ~ With 19 pounds of plastic brought in this week, the December total is now up to 80 pounds of plastic! Small, plastic grocery bags aren't as easy to come by for your JME students to bring in small amounts of plastic in their backpacks, but there are other options. Small packing plastic from home like produce bags, carrot bags, potato bags, toilet paper "overwrap," newspaper bags, etc. can be filled, and easily fit into their school backpacks, see photo below! The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too! ast week of November ~ Great week for plastic recycling! November ended with a total of 105 pounds donated, and December got off to a great start with 61 pounds already donated! WOW! With a great start like that, we should be able to pass up that November total. Well done! Keep up the good work! The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too!
November 18 ~ 47 pounds of clean, dry, stretchy plastic were brought in during the past 2 weeks. Well done! Our total so far for November is 64 pounds. During conferences next week, the collection bins will be in the hallways, so feel free to bring in your family's plastic when you come in for your conferences! Just 36 more pounds of plastic will get us up to our goal of 100 pounds for the month of November! The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too!
November 4th ~ 17 pounds of plastic were dropped off this week. That's a smaller total than usual. If you're still saving your clean, dry, stretchy plastic, we'd love to have you or your students drop it in the plastic recycle bins at school. If you are using LESS plastic, that is awesome also! Keeping plastic out of the landfills and environment is the main goal! The Green Team thanks you, and our planet thanks you too!